Sunday 6 November 2011

The sky's the limit!

Once upon a time libraries were places of intense quiet and study. I distinctly remember library rules and decorum being a step above any classroom (and quite frankly, any church) experience. (After all, at least you were allowed to sing in church!)

That traditional view of libraries however is long gone. Now it’s as much a place of socializing as any other place in town; kids and parents meet for regular ‘Storytime’ events; teens come to video game nights; adults gather for book clubs.

So, it’s not surprising that libraries are jumping on the technology bandwagon either. The fact is, libraries need all the patrons they can get these days and they need to be where the users are. If smart phones open up a venue for library access and patron contact that was not possible before, libraries should be embracing the opportunity.

I must admit though, I was stuck in tradition too. When I first began thinking of the potential for smart phones in libraries, I audibly gasped! “But who would think of using their phone in a LIBRARY!?”  

But the fact is, there are many opportunities for smart phones to enhance library service without taking away from traditional forms. Perhaps one of the most obvious is with app development. These days there is an app for everything. Why not have one to help navigate around the local library? There is also an app out now that will allow you to upload your library card to your smart phone. When you’re ready to check out, your phone will display the barcode of your card ready for easy scanning. I’ve also recently heard about ‘text-a-librarian’ and ‘text-a-call-number’ features. In our immediacy ridden society this sounds like just the fix!

Ultimately, there are an infinite number of possible uses for smart phones in the library. I find it quite exciting that as libraries we get to explore their uses just as much as the next organization. And I think that’s the right attitude to have….explore, play, discover. The possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think the important word in smart phone is "smart" - so much more than just a phone! That does lead to many possibilities, as you say, playing is the key. I like the idea of getting all the library staff in a room with their various phones seeing how things work.
