Thursday 29 September 2011

Book Value

“you can blog about anything this week…”

Funny how an open ended topic creates insurmountable writer’s block!

Ironically, there is so much going on in my life library-wise that I should have no problems establishing topic parameters.

I recently read an article in “Today’s Parent” magazine (March 2003) by John Lorinc entitled Book Value. It basically talked about ‘new’ research that shows a strong link between student achievement and a well-stocked and easily accessible (something Lornic referred to as ‘healthy’) school library.

(And as we all know, in order to achieve a healthy status a library must have a healthy budget.)

Which got me to thinking….

I am currently in a position as a Teacher-Librarian but I am a nearly extinct species (a fact that exists mainly due to budget cuts and the like). And as it is….I am a Teacher first and a Librarian second. Even now my time must be split between the classroom and the bookstacks and that invariably leads to stack neglect as library tasks get pushed to the wayside while student needs are addressed.

So I thought some more….

Isn’t there an easier way to bridge the gap between library and user (and in this case student) that makes my job as a Teacher and a Librarian easier??

How can I get my students involved in library use AND get homework handed in?! And HOW can I use wiki’s and blogs (and other such technologies) to give these kids the immediacy today’s generation craves so much??

The answer to that…..I am still working on….

In the meantime I’m off to update the current collection to at least one step higher on the technological front….barcodes on books…….we…..go!!!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry, didn't mean to create writer's block!

    Still, a very thoughtful post; I wish I had some answers for you. It's hard at all levels of schooling to encourage library use when it's not directly linked to the curriculum.
